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Projecten - prof.dr. RJJ (Joost) van Neerven

AIO project: "Regulation of mucosal immunty by bovine milk ingredients"  (2013-2018) M. van Splunter. 

NWO TTW project (CBI with MIB and UMC Utrecht) "Modulation of immune responses in the upper airways: Contribution of novel dairy ingredients - MIRACLE" (2013-2018). O. Perdijk, E.van den Brink, S. Brugman

NWO TTW project (CBI with FQD and Erasmus MC)  "Immunogenic Properties of Heated and Glycated Cow’s Milk Protein – Effect on Initiation and Resolution of Cow’s Milk Allergy - iAGE" (2016-2020). G.Teodorowicz

AIO Project "Effects of bovine immunoglobulins on human immune function"(2017-2021). M. Probahaie

WIAS AIO project (HAP with CBI): "A dietary approach to improve innate immune health" (2017-2021).

Stichting Astma Bestrijding project (CBI, UMCU)  : “Cow’s milk-derived allergen specific IgG” (2022-2023)

AIO project E. Bokozba (UU) : “In vitro systems to study breast development and function an the action of human milk on intestinal development and physiology”  (2022-2025)

AIO project I-N. Stellingwerf (CBI with ANU) : “Porcine plasma proteins to enhance gut health in dogs” (2023-2027)

AIO Project Y. Xing (CBI) : The effects of food processing and allergen immunotherapy on cross-reactive allergic reactions to soy in birch-allergic patients.  (2023-2027)

AIO project J.Celis Moreno (CBI) : “Immunotherapies for insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) in horses” (2019-2024)