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Projecten - dr. VJ (Verina) Ingram

Transformative change for biodiversity and equity (TC4BE) 

KvM 2023 Identify and assess technologies to support traceability in the coffee and palm oil value chains in Columbia

High-tech solutions for natural resource conservation

Governing SDG interactions "Beyond cherry-picking": aligning development actors and efforts for inclusive and effective governance of trade-offs and synergies between SDGs in East Africa 

Natural product Value Chain (VC) Development. Building Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of the Forestry Sector in Cabo Verde 

Sustainable growth and development of the oil palm value chain from Indonesia. Agrinatura VC4D Value Chain for Development  

Promotion of agroforestry for wood & non-wood forest products in Katete district, Eastern Province, Zambia with SNV

Roles of Agroforestry in sustainable intensification of small farMs and food SEcurity for SocIetIes in West Africa (RAMSES ii), with IRD 

Agroforestry waarde ketens (fruit boomen en niet hout bos producten inclusief honing) in het Mau Mara Serengeti Sustaianable Water Initiative (MaMaSe), Kenya

Integratie van ecosysteemdiensten in tropische commodity-waardeketens

Duurzaamheid van de Nederlandse cacao en koffie importen: Synergie tussen praktijk, beleid, strategie en kennis (BO-27.02-001-001)

Evalueren van de effecten van investeringen in de plantages en agro bosbouw operaties in Oost-Afrika

Projecten van VJ Ingram

Coordinatie van het duurzaam commodities network WUR: cacao

Coordinatie Memorandum-of-Understanding-Wageningen-CIFOR