PhD Study Trip (2022)

At the Food Quality Design Group in Wageningen we like tradition. Every two years a PhD study trip is undertaken and organised by PhD students. During this adventure we share scientific knowledge, learn and experience, broaden scientific networks, and stimulate collaborations with researchers from all over the world. Due to the pandemic, we had a interruption in this tradition. However, from 20-03-2022 till 03-04-2022 we will visit a variety of universities, research institutes, and companies in Spain.

During our trip we will be stimulated on both a scientific and cultural level. With presentations (full and flash), posters, mini-symposia and workshops we aim to share knowledge, scientific results, future research aims, and potential collaboration possibilities, which will lead to many fruitful discussions. We will use this trip to understand the cultural aspect of the country and the institutes we visit.

The PhD study trip is recognized by our graduate school (VLAG) as an important part of the PhD curriculum. During the trip highly important skills like presenting and networking will be lifted up to a next level relevant for our further development as scientist.

Furthermore, we would like to thank our sponsors: Heineken (silver sponsor) and foods (bronze sponsor) for their financial support. We would also like to express our gratitude to the LEB foundation and VLAG for the grants they provided to support our trip.

We are looking forward to an inspiring and educative trip. For more information about our daily activities please visit us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Organization Committee Members
Cristina Barallat,
Diana Soto,
Niels van der Linden,
Shiksha Adhikari,
Yifan Zhang