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Projects - dr. V (Slava) Vasenev

2019-2022 Smart technologies for monitoring, modeling and assessment of ecosystem services provided by green infrastructure and soils to support decision-making for sustainable urban development under global changes

2018-2020 Analyzing capacities of the advanced monitoring techniques to control green stands’ condition

2019-2021 Carbon stocks of urban soils in different climatic zones of European Russia: formation factors and accumulation mechanisms

2018-2020 Modeling and assessment of dynamics in ? stocks and greenhouse gases emissions in soils of Moscow megapolis affected by urban heat island and other meso- and microclimatic anomalies

2017-2022 Analysis and modelling sustainable soil constructions for urban greenery

2018-2022 Spatial analysis and projecting desertification effect on soil functions in Hungry Steppe (Sir-Dariinskii district of Uzbekistan)

2017-2021 Training capacities in Agriculture and Urban-RUral interactions for Sustainable development of megacities (TAURUS)