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Education - N (Nynke) Hofstra

In my opinion, research benefits from education and vice versa. The topic of my research helps me to motivate students in their course work and theses. At the same time, teaching the topic of my research requires me to keep up to date on the latest news in te field and students’ questions provide a new viewpoint. I really enjoy seeing students’ motivation and eagerness to learn, in particular in individual assignments.

I am education coordinator for the Water Systems and Global Change group. I also coordinate the ACT course Design of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for the MSc programmes Climate Studies and Earth and Environment.

I supervise MSc and BSc students in doing their theses. I prefer to supervise students on topics related to my projects and research field in general, although I also supervise students more generally. Potential students can have a look at the possible thesis topics. In case you are interested in a thesis in the field of water, climate and health, please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss opportunities. In many cases we can come up with a topic that fits my work and your interests.


WSG50306 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
WSG50304 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
WSG50301 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
WSG50303 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
WSG50302 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
WSG50305 Capita Selecta Water Systems and Global Change
ETE34806 Resource Quality in the Circular Economy
WSG60812 Design of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
WSG80424 MSc Thesis Water Systems and Global Change
WSG70224 MSc Internship Water Systems and Global Change