Word of the board

WIAS Magazine – Winter edition 2023

Dear all,

A new year calls for a new edition of the WIAS magazine. Unfortunately, not as many articles as you might expect. Hopefully, you'll enjoy them as much as we did!

Another thing to enjoy: snow in the Netherlands... Not during Christmas, but still a sight to see and hopefully one that will inspire all of us to turn a blank page and start this new year with new energy that we can turn to good use.

For example, we in the WIAS board are always looking for new contributions to the magazine but are currently also looking for people to join our board! Additionally, the WAPS is looking for PhD students to help represent their chair groups and other PhD students in WIAS. Both are a great way to get to know other PhD students and learn more about the way WIAS and Wageningen work behind the scenes, as well as learning a whole new set of skills related to representing your fellow PhD students!

We're looking forward to seeing you soon ;)

Until next time,

The WIAS Magazine Board