
Daily weather data from Nizanda, Mexico (2006-2024)

Muñoz, Rodrigo; Bongers, Frans; Lebrija-Trejos, Edwin; Gallardo-Cruz, J.A.; Enríquez, Moisés; Romero-Romero, Marco Antonio; López-Mendoza, Rey David; Meave, Jorge A.


Daily weather data from Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico. Weather data are available on a daily basis as minimum time resolution; however, data are available mostly at an hourly time resolution. Weather data comprise precipitation, air temperature, wind speed and direction, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, and other derived climatic variables. For further information about this dataset, contact Jorge A. Meave ( and/or Rodrigo Muñoz ( The weather station is located at the following geographical coordinates: 16.661000º N, 95.007484º W Weather data were recorded with a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather station/sensor suite. Data prior to year 2020 was recorded locally in a Davis Vantage Pro2 console (data segments 1-3), while data after 2020 was recorded online on the cloud using a Davis Vantage Connect cellular transmitter together with the service (data segment 4).