dr. P (Pytrik) Reidsma

dr. P (Pytrik) Reidsma

Universitair hoofddocent

My mission is to contribute to improving the sustainability and resilience of farming systems. This requires integrated assessment, considering impacts of different drivers (climate, policy, markets, technology) on different dimensions of sustainable development (economic, environmental, social, institutional) and resilience (robustness, adaptability, transformability). When addressing the farming system level, impacts from crop to global level are relevant. I use both quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analyses, crop modelling, bio-economic farm modelling, agent-based modelling, surveys, interviews and participatory approaches. Based on a description and explanation of current systems, future systems can be explored and designed. My vision is that agroecological and technological innovations should be accompanied by social and institutional changes to improve the sustainability and resilience of farming systems.

The recently finished project SURE-Farm (SUstainable and Resilient EU FARMing systems; https://surefarmproject.eu/) provided many relevant outputs. Current projects include NATAE (North African Transition to AgroEcology; www.natae-agroecology.eu) and CropXR (Making crops more resilient, sustainable, and climate-adaptive; https://cropxr.org/). 

I am Editor of Agricultural Systems and in the Editorial Advisory Board of European Journal of Agronomy, Land Use Policy and Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, section Climate-Smart Food Systems.