
Van A naar Biodiversiteit : Op weg naar een natuurinclusieve landbouw

Smits, Marie-José; Dawson, Andrew; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke; Ferwerda-van Zonneveld, Reina; Michels, Rolf; Migchels, Gerard; Polman, Nico; Schrijver, Raymond; Sukkel, Wijnand; Vogelzang, Theo; Kistenkas, Fred


This report explores first of all literature on transition management. The knowledge gained is taken into account to develop a route planner, which can be used to stimulate nature-inclusive agriculture at a regional level. This route planner is intended for stakeholders who want to promote nature-inclusive agriculture in their own region. We then ask ourselves what nature-inclusive agriculture means, and how it relates to circular agriculture and ecosystem services. An important focus in the route planner is the development of a vision. For this reason, concrete measures are described for arable farming and livestock farming that fit into such a nature-inclusive vision.