dr.ir. CJM (Conny) Almekinders

dr.ir. CJM (Conny) Almekinders

Externe medewerker, Universitair docent

My field is  agricultural technology development. I am interested in the relations between technical and social change, and how these play out in socially differentiated rural communities. I have published on plant genetic resources, farmer-based seed systems and participatory breeding, and continue to do so, but with more sociological orientation. I aim to contribute to the emerging field of political agronomy, by studying technology-oriented interventions, which brings my background in plant sciences together with the social sciences together.

I am now partially retired and have no formal teaching responsiblity any more. I have supervised more than 20 PhD students and still continue to be active in supporting junior researchers and practicioners working in my field of interest, and who may working in seed system projects of NGOs or are CGIAR related. I continue to play a role in the CGIAR Seed Equal initiative. A selection of recent publications below give an impression of the orientation of my research interest and scholars with whom I collaborate. Since mid-2018 I am one of the Senior Editors of the interdisciplinary journal Food Security.

Almekinders CJM, Mausch K, and Donovan J (2021) Editorial introduction: Design issues and practical questions for demand-oriented seed systems. Outlook on Agriculture 50 (4) 353–355.

Almekinders C, Hebinck P, Marinus W, et al. (2021) Why farmers use so many different maize varieties in West Kenya. Outlook on Agriculture 50 (4): 406–417

Pircher T, and Almekinders CJM (2021) Making sense of farmers' demand for seed of root, tuber and banana crops: a systematic review of methods. Food Security 13: 1285-1301

Kilwinger FBM, Marimo P, Rietveld AK, Almekinders CJM and van Dam YK, 2020. Not only the seed matters: Farmers’ perceptions of sources for banana planting materials in Uganda. Outlook in Agriculture 49: 119-132.

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