
First Dutch Eating Behaviour Research Assembly meeting in Venlo

February 1, 2024

On the first of February 2024 the first Dutch Eating Behaviour Research Assembly meeting (DEBRA meeting) was held at Campus Venlo of Maastricht University. The SSEB (Sensory Science & eating Behaviour) group was hosted by Prof. dr. Remco Havermans and Britt van Belkom.

Almost 20 PhD candidates and staff members attended from the SSEB group of Wageningen University, and around 40 researchers from the Venlo Campus (Behavioural Gastronomy Healthy Eating and Food Innovation) and Maastricht University (Eating disorders and psychology of obesity). After a warm welcome and explanation of “personalised gastronomy” by Prof. Havermans we had in total 9 interesting speakers with different topics all related to eating behaviour. The topics varied from interventions in healthy participant to the more complexity of a clinical population and  also varied in studies in real life with food to the more experimental psychological tasks in the lab using MRI. Below you can find the program with all speakers and titles of their talks. It was a nice day of knowledge exchange and to meet fellow researches on this interesting topic! It was an inspiring day and everyone was excited to make the meeting annual! Food for thought. To be continued.

2024-02-01 Program Dutch Eating Behaviour Research Meeting.png