Student testimonial

Student Alicja - Specialisation Food Law

Meet Alicja, a student of the MSc Food Law specialisation. Her strong interest for farm animals and their rights made it easy for her to choose this specialisation, making it a perfect match.

I think a unique point of this programme is its focus not only on regulation but especially on the transformation of food systems. The lecturers make you critically engaged in how the current legal system can be improved.

Can you describe briefly who you are and what you are currently doing?

"I’m a final-year student in this specialisation, currently finishing my thesis on how to prohibit caged farming in the EU."

When did you first hear about your study programme and what did you think about it?

"I have been eyeing this programme already since the beginning of my LLB in International and European Law. I wanted to follow a Master’s program where I could explore how the interests of farm animals could be better protected by law. Food Law seemed like a great niche programme and I was excited by the diversity of courses offered."

Could you tell us something about your study programme? How have you arranged it to fit your interests?

"I liked that we were given a lot of freedom to tailor the topics of different assignments to the causes we are most sympathetic towards. At the same time, I felt that I did not have to proactively arrange the programme to fit my interests, because issues, such as, for instance, alternative and plant-based proteins have been a regular part of the curriculum. I think that the deviation from the prevailing anthropocentrism in the legal discourse speaks volumes of
this specialisation."

Which part of your study did you find the most interesting?

"I have found this programme absolutely fascinating. My favourite part was writing weekly legal briefs for the Food Law course, where we advised an imaginary company on a legal problem. It made us think creatively about how the law can be interpreted to solve a specific legal issue."

What do you think is unique about this specialisation?

"I think a unique point of this programme is its focus not only on regulation but especially on the transformation of food systems. The lecturers make you critically engaged in how the current legal system can be improved. Across different courses, we were given assignments focusing on, for example, the design of a lobbying strategy for a chosen stakeholder or outlining a solution to a chosen legal problem that is or isn’t yet regulated."

Whom would you recommend this specialisation to and why?

"I would recommend this specialisation to anyone interested in exploring how food systems can be better regulated to safeguard a more fair and healthy living environment."

What do you think about student life in Wageningen?

"Being a student in Wageningen feels almost like living in some sort of utopian environment where everyone is connected by the same purpose of creating a more sustainable future. It’s amazing."

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