
Team of the Month: Bontificante

November 13, 2014

This academic year SWU Thymos introduces a new monthly section: Sport Team of the Month. Every month, a student sports team will get some extra attention. In November: Tchoukball team Bontificante.

Team: Bontificante

Sport: Tchoukball Internal Competition

Number of athletes in the team: That differs from match to match. It depends on the weather and our study programmes (abroad).

Captain: Differs from season to season. Old captains: Irene Leemans and Maritza Bode. Currently: Twan Uijttewaal.

Training Times: Only if the opponent does not show up and we still want to play it.

Trainer: We do not need a trainer!

Matches: We only play matches. Win or lose, we are always enthusiastic.

What makes your team unique in Wageningen? Our participation year after year despite the many defeats. We continue playing for fun and even though we have never reached the first place, we have become much better.

What was a memorable moment as team? The BBQ at the end of the season. Relaxing after a heavy, or at least a successful season.

Which goals do you have this year? The current season of the internal competition is probably our last so athletic goals are no longer there. However, we will probably participate with sports activities like the sports night.

Curious about Thymos Internal Competitions? Click here