Thesis subject

Postcolonial perspectives on climate mobilities

There has been critique about the ways in which the relation between climate change and migration is being framed, especially in media (e.g. as a threat). As a response, there is a growing call from indigenous groups and populations about their perspectives on these relations and their visions of climate futures.

This thesis project would engage with these debates, and from this perspective critically review the role of international donors and climate policies (e.g. in the context of climate adaptation and loss and damage) and how these are viewed and are possibly contested on the ground.


Ingrid does research into the relations between climate/environmental change and human im/mobility, exploring the diverse ways in which people move (or may not want to, or may not be able to) in the context of growing climate risks. Her background is in international relations and human geography, and she uses mobile and interdisciplinary ethnography as a course method of research.

Thesis topics & projects

The topic will intersect with my Vidi project on Climate Mobility in the Borderlands funded by the Dutch Research Council (website yet to be made), and the research of PhD researchers Hanne WiegelBasundhara Tripathy, and three new PhD researchers that will soon join ENP.