
Source-sink dynamic of ground beetles in strip-cropping systems

Ground beetles are abundant insects in agricultural fields, and support natural pest control services. However, how these beetles end up in the field is not well understood. In this project we will try to find out where ground beetles, come from. Are they emerging from the soil? Moving in from nearby more-favorable habitats?

Project description

By combining emergence and pitfall traps, and by looking at both monocultures and strip cropping systems, we will try to quanitify the main sources of ground beetles within agricultural fields. Using some not-too-complex modelling, we will try to estimate ground beetle abundances based on their emergene, movement and mortality.

Required skills

Willingness and motivation to learn is sufficient.

Types of research / work

You will do fieldwork, identify ground beetles and do some modelling and slightly more complicated statistics. However, do not feel hesitant to contact us, even if
you feel you currently lack those skills.


February - July 2024

