
(Food) allergy and nutrition

The prevalence of (food) allergies are increasing worldwide. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved will help to better manage, treat, and prevent allergies. In this umbrella project we combine three different research lines that will be posted as separate project on the website later in the next update.


Given the increase of prevalence of allergies worldwide, we need to learn more on the mechanisms that paly a role in allergy, both at the level of the immune system, but also at the level of the food components and the ways our foods are processed. This information may be used to design novel approaches to prevent and manage or treat allergies.

Project description

The project currently has three different research lines.

Immunological mechanisms in allergy

In this project we want to study the immunological mechanisms involved in the development of allergies., with a special focus on the role of IgE vs IgG and the interrelation of respiratory infections and asthma.

Effects of food processing and crossreactivity in food allergy

In this project we study the effects of food processing, especially glycation, on food allergies. In addition, by studying crossreactions in allergy, we hope to learn more about the relative risk of introducing novel protein sources into our diet.

Nutrition and allergy

In addition to food allergy, nutrition can also play a role in preventing or managing the development of allergies via indirect effects on microbiota and their metabolites (after intake of fibers and oligo/polysaccharides) , but also via direct effects on the immune system (eg. Vitamins and minerals).

Figure Food Allergy
