
Uitwerking bedrijfstypen voor duurzame landbouw: melkveehouderij en akkerbouw

Jongeneel, Roel; van Asseldonk, Marcel; Daatselaar, Co; Greijdanus, Auke; Helming, John; Vissers, Luuk


In this research a number of standard farm types for the dairy and arable farming sectors have been developed. Based on the objectives of the National Rural Area Program (NPLG) with respect to ammonia, biodiversity, water and climate, packages of measures have been determined and applied at farm level, which should help to achieve ambitious emission reductions. The environmental, climate impacts and economic impacts at farm level have been simulated using the FARMDYN model. It turneId out that the simulated measures would have strong negative impacts on farm income and would negatively affect farm continuity. Finally, we examined which existing or new policy instruments are necessary and effective to provide a positive economic perspective. It turned out that a combination of market and policy instruments could help to support farm profitability and by that could facilitate the transition.