
Comparison of a UAV- and an airborne-based system to acquire far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measurements over structurally different crops

Wang, Na; Siegmann, Bastian; Rascher, Uwe; Clevers, Jan G.P.W.; Muller, Onno; Bartholomeus, Harm; Bendig, Juliane; Masiliūnas, Dainius; Pude, Ralf; Kooistra, Lammert


Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a promising proxy of the dynamic photosynthetic process. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are flexible and cost-effective for acquiring SIF data at high temporal and spatial resolution. The UAV-based point spectrometer FluorSpec was designed to measure SIF within agricultural fields. To correctly understand SIF values and further photosynthetic research, the ability of the UAV-based FluorSpec to provide reliable SIF information within agricultural fields needs evaluation. In this paper, the UAV-based FluorSpec was compared with the high-performance airborne imaging spectrometer HyPlant using diurnal far-red SIF measurements over different crop types (i.e. two varieties of winter wheat, two varieties of spring barley, bean, and maize), which were acquired by almost simultaneous airborne and UAV flights during a clear sky day in 2019. After improving the footprint geolocation of FluorSpec measurements using concurrent red-green-blue (RGB) images, we compared the FluorSpec and HyPlant SIF measurements, their diurnal developments, and spatial distributions for different crop types. The results from both systems show consistent, clear diurnal patterns that are positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) over most crop types. Similar SIF spatial patterns were shown within crop fields as well. UAV-based FluorSpec SIF showed a good linear correlation with HyPlant SIF with an R2 up to 0.76. The good agreement confirms that the UAV-based FluorSpec system is able to measure meaningful SIF values at the field scale and thus stimulates SIF applications in agriculture. The systematic errors up to 0.3 mW m−2 sr−1 nm−1 from the linear regression between the two systems indicate that the UAV-based FluorSpec system should be improved by considering the main sources of uncertainty discussed in this paper. Future studies with dedicated experiments are recommended to assess the systematic uncertainties of UAV-based FluorSpec derived SIF information.