
Dataset underlying the publication: Luminescence dating approaches to reconstruct the formation of plaggic anthrosols

Choi, Jungyu; van Beek, Roy; Chamberlain, Liz; Reimann, Tony; Smeenge, Harm; van Oorschot, Annika; Wallinga, Jakob


The content of this dataset is the data that has been used for the publication of the article “Luminescence dating approaches to reconstruct the formation of plaggic anthrosols”. We have performed both small-aliquot quartz OSL measurements and single-grain feldspar pIRIR measurements to 1) obtain reliable ages to establish the chronology of the soil formation, and 2) reconstruct the formation process of the plaggic anthrosol. The measurements were performed on 13 samples collected at Braakmankamp, Beuningen. The results of the measurements were analysed using the “Luminescence” package in R. The article introduces a novel method of “filtering” utilized to identify well-bleached grains, which is described in the article in detail. The dataset includes all of the raw data of the measurements (*.binx/*.SEQ/*.sec/*.txt/*.jpg); scripts, input data, results of analyses involving R (*.R/*.pdf/*.csv/*.xlsx); and other additional analyses required for the research (*.xlsx/*.pdf), including the results of the filtering method.