
Educating engineering students to become entrepreneurial

The Grand Societal Challenges, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, contribute to increasing the interest in entrepreneurial literacy and skills as an integral part of lifelong learning, and to a rise of a culture of entrepreneurship in the engineering field.

This project aims to create insights on how to educate engineering students to become entrepreneurial to face the complexities, uncertainties, and value-laden character of the Grand Societal Challenges.

Different steps have been outlined to reach this goal. First, based on the literature and through a Delphi study among faculty and practitioners, the profile or profiles of the entrepreneurial engineer will be created. Next, the effects of existing (wide) entrepreneurship education interventions for engineers will be tested, and best practices, gaps, and needs will be detected. Finally, new interventions to foster the entrepreneurial engineer will be developed, tested, and monitored.

The Ph.D. position is part of the 4TU project “Educating the Entrepreneurial Engineer”. It contributes to the 4TU.CEE strategic plan for (2022-2025), specifically on the overarching theme “The future of engineering education” and the topic “Entrepreneurial learning or academic entrepreneurship”.

The research team is comprised of Victor Garcia Galofré, dr. Yvette Baggen, dr. Duygu Keskin, prof. dr. Perry den Brok and prof. dr. ir. arch. Isabelle Reymen.

Victor Garcia Galofré –