DG (Diana) Lope Alzina

DG (Diana) Lope Alzina


Diana Lope-Alzina is a transdisciplinary researcher in sustainability. Expertise in people-environment relationships with emphasis on gender analysis and agrobiodiversity management, indigenous and local knowledge, traditional agriculture, and biocultural diversity. She counts on more than 20 years of experience acquired through research, teaching, consultancy, reviewer/evaluation, and in the government sector. Diana is further interested in the intertwining between social relations and traditional agriculture yet addressing social differentiations as related to intersectional categories of inequality; further applying this approach to strategies aiming to face climate change, biodiversity loss, and the like challenges.

Diana holds a B.Sc from the University of Texas at El Paso (USA) and a Master's degree from Wageningen (MAKS 17th generation). As part of her PhD, she has pursued academic stays at the School of Anthropology and Conservation at the University of Kent in Canterbury and at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, in the United Kingdom. At her natal Mexico, she has been distinguished as a National Researcher by CONACYT; in the Government Sector, she has been appointed as the environment-sustainability specialist for the Welfare Ministry, specifically for the agroforestry program targeting half a million poor farmers, "Sembrando Vida" ('sowing life').

As an international consultant, Diana is an Honorary Researcher Fellow for the Alliance Bioversity-CIAT (CGIAR), the Platform for Research in Agrobiodiversity (PAR), and The Rafaella Foundation. In 2020, she was selected among 400 academicians as an author-expert for the scoping assessment "transformative change", carried out by the Intergovernmental Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). As an auditor and evaluator, Diana has led Mid Term Reviews for projects such as those financed by the GEF. In the editorial realm, she has dictaminated research papers for books and journals from prestigious editorials and so she has been a member of editorial committees.

For publications lists, please see below (publicatielijst).