AJ (Anne) Spies MSc

AJ (Anne) Spies MSc


My name is Jessica Spies and I am a junior researcher working at the chair group Education- and Learning Sciences (ELS) at Wageningen University. ELS aims to understand the enhancing of human potential in response to global challenges related to the environment, food and well-being.

Under guidance of dr. Renate Wesselink, I am responsible for several research tasks within two projects that are involved with learning of professionals in the green sector. For the first, European project (I-RESTART), we, together with 26 partners from 11 countries, aim to prepare current and future professionals working in the agrifood and veterinary sectors for various challenges (such as increased digitalisation). The second project (Leven Lang Ontwikkelen met Groene Persona’s) is executed in collaboration with LTO Noord, FNV and Glastuinbouw Nederland and focusses on the continuous development of professionals, learning culture and the role of the manager in the green sector.

My background is in Dutch Law (completed with a multidisciplinary trajectory involving courses in the field of Psychology and Education) and Educational Sciences (MSc, Utrecht University). I hope my broad interest and curiosity will contribute to the learning of, within and from Wageningen University & Research.