
The open science story of Arjen Wals

March 12, 2024

This month, we feature the open science story of Arjen Wals, Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University.
He emphasizes the need to connect with society and involve stakeholders and citizens in research activities.

What is your view on Open Science?

For me, Open science is about a shift from science for impact factors in exclusive journals to science for impact in society. To get that impact, researchers and the university as a whole need to develop better relationships with actors and stakeholders in our social environment. Open science also implies a certain modesty regarding the status of scientific knowledge. Historically, we, Western thinkers, see scientific knowledge as the highest form of knowledge. We are currently learning to recognize the value of local knowledge and experience.

"Open science is also about taking into account experiential knowledge and indigenous knowledge and connecting with other perspectives."

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Continue reading: The open science story of Arjen Wals - WUR