
New edition training on Reflexive Monitoring

September 11, 2023

The new edition of the training on Reflexive Monitoring takes place early 2024. It is in Dutch. If there is sufficient interest, we will consider organising it in English too. Furthermore, we provide in-company trainings and coaching.

The new edition of the training on Reflexive Monitoring takes place early 2024.
It is in Dutch. If there is sufficient interest, we will consider organising it in English too. Furthermore, we provide in-company trainings and coaching.

This spring we formed a Community of Practice on Reflexive Monitoring in Action. We aim to improve the practice of RMA in diverse transition contexts, enhance its effectivity and strengthen the methodological and theoretical foundations. The COP is open to practitioners with considerable experience. If you are interested, send me (Barbara van Mierlo) a mail with your motivation.

September 1, we had a lively dialogue with practitioners of Reflexive Monitoring (researchers as well as others) and people interested at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference. It was the first activity of the recently established COP RMA. We discussed what it meant to operate at the boundaries of a system change initiative and its institutional setting and how practitioners navigate both in- and external resistance. We learned about the need to involve middle management, how to start subtly if conditions for making room for change are not yet in place, how to relate to commissioners and much more. Thanks to my co-chair TJ Schuitmaker-Warnaar, the audience and the panel members Corine Quarles van Ufford, Carolien de Vries, Eva Kunseler, PJ Beers, Barbara Regeer, Anne Loeber, Kris Kok and Lieselot Vandenbussche.