
Another successful WUR Career Day

February 16, 2022

On February 2nd, the 10th WUR Career Day was organised. The aim of this event is to provide a platform for employers, students and PhD candidates to meet each other. Although we had to organise this version of the WUR Career Day online, we experienced it to be a fruitful event again!

With 51 employers and 664 students, alumni and PhD candidates joining, this online event was a great way for employers and students to connect. For employers, this event is the perfect opportunity to have access to talent and for employer branding. Meanwhile, students and alumni are able to network with organisations, which can increase their chances on internships/jobs. The next WUR Career Day will be organised at October 12th, 2022. Do you wish to participate in this event or do you want to collaborate with WUR Student Career Services for other employer branding opportunities and access to talent? You can contact us by sending us an email.