
Use HeinOnline to find international law literature

May 27, 2019

When you're searching for literature on legal topics, we have some good sources for you. The Library has recently acquired HeinOnline. HeinOnline is specialised in international law. We also recommend EUR-lex, Nexis Uni and Kluwer Navigator.

HeinOnline International Core

You now have access to HeinOnline International Core, to the Index of Foreign Legal Periodicals and to Kluwer Law International Journal Library. The three separate databases are part of HeinOnline.

HeinOnline is a collection of databases designed for users outside the US. It contains digital collections of legal and law-related materials organized into modules called libraries. It provides access to the full text. But, some of the journals have an embargo of three years. To get the articles you need, you can use the document delivery service of the Library. This service is free for staff and students.

Other law resources

Another source for finding literature on law and legal topics is Nexis Uni. Nexis Uni is an important resource for legal news and magazines but also for international law reviews, case law and legislation.

For European Union regulations and law, go to the EUR-Lex website and when you need to be informed on Dutch law, then use Kluwer Navigator.

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