
CineScience: Nona Pani (Barren Waters)

Affected by climate change, three intriguing characters in Bangladesh lose command of their own destiny. Can science help them? Catharien Terwisscha conducts research off the beaten tracks, co-creates with the local environment and indirectly influences policy with her work. How does she see the role of a researcher, what challenges does she encounter, and what impact can you have as a researcher in this way?

The introduction will be in English. The movie is spoken in Bengali with English subtitles.

Organised by Heerenstraat Theater

Thu 16 May 2024 19:30

Venue Heerenstraat Theater, Molenstraat 1b, Wageningen
Price description Standard 11,- | CineVille & YoungWUR free

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About Cinescience

Wageningen University & Research considers its connection with the city of Wageningen and its residents extremely important. With CineScience movie talks, researchers give you a sneak peek into their work in a unique and accessible way by linking their work creatively to a personally selected movie.

Learn more about novel scientific insights, discover how our everyday lives relate to the work being done in Wageningen, and enjoy a fabulous movie that sparks conversations. The break offers ample opportunity to talk with each other and the presenting researcher.