
Judith Floor visiting PhD student in Cambridge

April 7, 2015

ENP colleague Judith is working on her PhD research for three months at the Cambridge university, until the 5th of June. She is working with prof. Bill Adems of the Geography Department and Dr Iris Möller of the Coastal Research Unit. Moreover, she is collaborating with David Rose of the Department at Zoology on her topic of science-policy interactions on nature protection of the Dutch Wadden Sea.

In her first month, she has presented and discussed her research at both the department of Geography and Zoology. During the Student Conference Conservation Science of 25th of March she presented a poster on dealing with uncertainty, based on her case study of the mussel seed fishery conflict in 2008.

Click here for her poster

Beside the academic world of discuss her research and getting new ideas for her PhD, she is also experiencing the particularities of the Cambridge university. Crucial is that in Cambridge you have both the university system with Departments and 31 Colleges were students work, eat and live. As visitor you can also have lunch in a College. In which you are sitting in a beautiful surrounding with old paintings and where old hierarchical principles are still very alive. The fellows of the College are sitting on the high table (an area slightly higher than the rest of the room, with their own food), an area where you are not allowed to come as ordinary person. Still having a university card literally opens doors. To see the magnificent buildings of some of the Colleges of Cambridge you can only freely enter with an university card. Even though, most libraries are restricted to college members only. And there are an impressive number of signs telling you to “keep of the grass”. However, besides all these explicit rules of what you should not do, people are very friendly and helpful. A good atmosphere to sharpen research ideas.