
Infographics Meeting ENP

December 1, 2015

In November staff and students of ENP came together to exchange ideas about the use of infographics in science.

Presentation infographics ENPWhile there are several means of presenting (scientific) information, infographics have the added value of getting a message across in a story-telling and visually attractive way. That this ‘works’ is supported by the insight it takes less than 1/10 of a second to get sense of a visual scene. Since visual data representations are increasingly being requested by scientific journals, using an infographic may be a suitable way to address this point.  

Roelien van Steenbergen from MetaMeta started off with delivering a presentation about the overlap and difference between data visualizations and infographics, followed by some tips and tricks of what to keep in mind when creating your own graphic. After that we discussed inspiring examples, sometimes created by ENP’ers, which can be found here and here.