
Honorary doctor from Wageningen, Graham Farquhar, wins esteemed prize

October 28, 2015

The Australian researcher Graham Farquhar, who received an honorary doctorate in Wageningen, won the prestigious Prime Minister’s Prize for Science. He is awarded this great honour for his research on modelling the photosynthesis process. He receives AUS$ 250.000.

Prof. Paul Struik, who was the promotor of Farquhar in 2013, is very enthusiastic: “This is of course fantastic news and it confirms that Wageningen University has done right by granting this honorary doctorate.” The collaboration between Struiks’ research group of the Wageningen Centre for Crop Systems Analysis and that of laureate Farquhar will continue, considering the recent pre-publication on micro scale modelling of CO2 transport light penetration in tomato leaves, in the academic journal Plant, Cell and Environment.

For the full article please see here.